Raleigh Street Bakery | Denver, CO
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The Bakery

Raleigh Street Bakery operates under Colorado’s cottage food law. This means you can purchase delicious artisan bread, directly from me, your neighbor. All of Raleigh Street Bakery’s bread is sourdough, we use freshly milled flour(milled in house) and only use organic ingredients. Every loaf is delicately hand crafted and then baked in my home hearth oven.


As an artisan baker, David Kaminer is proud to do what bakers have been doing for thousands of years – creating life out of flour, water and salt. He grew up outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and graduated from Pennsylvania Institute of Culinary Arts in 2002. He jumped at the opportunity for an externship at the Broadmoor in Colorado Springs and moved to this beautiful state that same year. David has had amazing opportunities to grow and refine his culinary know-how at bakeries and restaurants in Golden, Denver, and Boulder. He resides on Raleigh Street in north west Denver with his wife Missy, son Desmond and dogs Caper and Sparkles. Thanks to the support, shovels and sweat of his invaluable friends, He broke ground on the Raleigh Street Bakery dream in August 2014 and sold my first loaf in January 2015.


Find us on Tuesdays at Call to Arms Brewing Company and Fridays at the Bakery!

Order Bread

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All of our Tuesday and Friday bread is available by preorder only. All orders are due by 8 p.m. two days before the pickup day. Pick up days are on Fridays at the bakery from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on Tuesdays at Call to Arms Brewing Company from 4 to 7 p.m. Order one loaf month or three loaves a week, there are no minimums. Each order period covers a 5 week span, but you may place an order at anytime through out the period. Simply follow the link to the order form to submit your order. Payment can be made when you pick up your bread, we accept cash, check or credit card.

Click here to order bread

Raleigh Street Bakery bread is produced in a home kitchen that is not subject to state licensure or inspection and that may also process common food allergens such as tree nuts, peanuts, eggs, soy, wheat, milk, fish and crustacean shellfish. This product is not intended for resale.

Where to Find Us


Call To Arms Brewery

4526 Tennyson Street

Denver, Colorado 80212

4 - 7 p.m.


The Bakery

5245 Raleigh Street

Denver, Colorado 80212

10 a.m. - 7 p.m.

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